PA Association for Food Protection Subcommittees
Each year, the PAFP puts together a conference that consists of speakers, awards, scholarships, and various other aspects. To do this and to accomplish our overall goals there are subcommittees that help with this overall effort. Some of those subcommittees are listed below. We are always looking for more members and ways to expand our group so if you are interested in joining us this would be a great way to do just that!
Please click the ‘More Info’ buttons for each group to find out what they each do, how often they meet and how you can join!
The Program Committee
The Program Committee shall properly plan and coordinate the Annual Meeting for PAFP to provide educational opportunities for members. The President shall chair this committee.
Chair: Sonya Radel (President)
The Awards & Scholarship Committee
This Committee shall administer scholarships program for PAFP as well as administer the awards program of PAFP at each annual conference.. The committee will review and decide all nominations for the Distinguished Service Award, the Sanitarian Award, and the Dairy Laboratory Award.
Chairs: Bobbi Jo Shoop (Vice President)
Audit Committee
The audit committee shall review the records of income and expenses.
Chair: Rebecca Fultz (Treasurer)
The Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee shall maintain communications via the PAFP website, as required. This Committee shall also recruit additional members for the Association and encourage active participation of all members.
Chair: Open
Regulatory & Industry Liaison Committee
To promote food safety and hygiene through fostering a close working relationship between Regulators and Industry. This committee will work to strengthen food safety practices in the Pennsylvania food industry.
Chair: Greyson Smith (President Elect)
Nominating Committee
The nomination committee shall surface at least two candidates for the office of Vice-President. When necessary, the committee shall nominate at least one individual for the office of Treasurer, one candidate to serve as Secretary, and an individual to be the Affiliate Council Delegate for IAFP.
Chair: Ashley Hoover (Past President)
Constitution & Bylaws Committee
The Constitution and Bylaws Committee shall study and make recommendations concerning proposed changes to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Chair: Nick Heindl (Secretary)