Annual Conference Awards and Retiree Highlights

Each year at the annual conference we like to take the time to highlight those in the industry that are nominated by their peers. Below is the list of award winners from the past years. If you would like to nominate someone that you know is deserving please do so on the Annual Awards Page.

Past Distinguished Service Award Winners

2024: James Hassinger
2023: Peggy Good
2022: Gib Martin
2021: Brett Brumbaugh
2020: No Conference Held
2019: Wilbur Wheeler
2018: Gary Ober
2016: Robin Breeding
2015: Ralph Kerr
2014: Jerry Thompson
2013: Dan Bowely
2012: Annie Peipenhagen
2011: Bill Chidron
2010: Paul Dix

Past Lab Award Winners

2024: Jennifer Rakowski
2023: Frank Early
2021:Wyleisha Branch
2020: No Conference Held
2019: Amanda Rife
2018: Abigail Acker
2015: Abagail Acker
2014: Susan Wise
2013: Bonnie Ford
2012: Joe Dougherty
2010: Jeffrey Kagarise

Past Inspector/Sanitarian Award Winners

2024: Eric Garbman
2023: Doug Braham
2022: Terry Mesner
2021: Dean Horst
2020: No Conference Held
2019: Jeff Rosenberger
2018: Tom McCombs
2016: Dan Fox
2015: James Hassinger
2014: Grant Gayman
2013: Scott Staub
2012: Jay Metzker
2011: Patricia McKenty
2010: Jane Upperman

Retiree Awards

Terry Messner - 2024 Retirement

Company: Land O’ Lakes

Rona Robertson - 2024 Retirement

Company: The Hershey Company

Rona retired in April of 2024. She spent over 30 years in the dairy & food manufacturing industry.

Peggy Good - 2023 Retirement

Company: Turkey Hill

Robin Harchak - 2023 Retirement

Company: Maryland & Virginia Producers

Craig Weaver -2024 Retirement

Company: Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)

Craig is retiring with over 44 years of service to the dairy industry!

Don Mihoci - 2023 Retirement

Company: Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)

Gary Ober - 2022 Retirement

Company: Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)

Gary Smith - 2022 Retirement

Company: Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)

Jeff Rosenberger - 2022 Retirement

Company: Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)

Debbie Liggett - 2022 Retirement

Company: United Dairy Inc.

Past Presidents

We want to take the time to highlight those that have lead the PAFP group in more ways than we can count. We thank you for taking the time to help organize the annual conference and continue to grow the PAFP group as a whole. We appreciate you!

2024: Ashley Hoover - Land O' Lakes

Ashley is currently a Dairy Field Representative with Land O’ Lakes. In this role, she completes regulatory work on dairy farms and conducts FARM Animal Care and Sustainability assessments. She also serves on Council I of the NCIMS.

2023: Janae Klingler - MD-VA Milk Producers 2022: Amanda Wolfe - Land O Lakes
2021: Wyleisha Branch - Kreider Farms
2020: (No Conference)
2019: James Fleck - Galiker Dairy
2018: Wilbur Wheeler - Dairy Farmers of America
2017: Jake Thompson - Land O Lakes