Public Relations Committee

Committee Mission Statement

The Membership Committee shall recruit additional members for the Association and encourage active participation of all members. They also shall maintain communications via the PAFP website, email and other social media outlets as required


The Committee Chair who will be appointed by the executive committee and be on a 2 year renewable term. 

The committee should include at least 2 additional members to assist in all recurring tasks established, as outlined in By-laws.


Quarterly or more group meetings, held virtually or in person if membership availability allows for it.

Current Tasks

  1. Maintain Current Member List 

  2. Maintain Current Sustaining Member List 

  3. Reminders Via Email:

    • Conference Registration 

    • Awards/Scholarship Submissions

    • Important Industry updates 

  4. Website Updates including any other potential social media outlet updates

Current Positions

  1. Chair - Open

  2. Committee Member - Open

  3. Committee Member - Open

    Please reach out if you are interested in being a part of the Membership Committee!

Next Meeting

Date and Time:




**As the conference draws closer meetings may be held more frequently to update website for necessary updates to annual program information.**