Sustaining Members are those organizations an companies that give an extra contribution to the PAFP group, to help us achieve our goals
What does that mean for you?
Job Postings
If your company is a sustaining member, we will post any job listings that you would like to be available to the industry as you are looking for new recruits. As well as a link to any information on job postings that you may already have on your own company website. Just let us know that information below.
Calendar Events
We want to highlight events and on goings for your company throughout the year as an added benefit. So if you have events that our members could meet you in person, product sales, anything that you would like us to highlight on our event calendar we would love to share it with our members. We will post any events you have from the same calendar year that your company is a sustaining member
Highlighted on our Website
We will take a few approaches to highlighting your company on our website as one of our sustaining members. This would include the company logo and a news article throughout the year.
Current 2023 Sustaining Members
How to become a Sustaining Member
When registering for the annual conference you will be able to select an extra option to add the $100 fee to make your company a Sustaining Member for PAFP.